We’ve all heard it said, ‘don’t judge a book by its cover.’ It’s an idiom that exists because we are all often first judged by our appearance. It’s the reason we focus so much on how we look before a job interview, a first date or even before posting that selfie we took 100 versions of. People’s first glance at us unjustly serves as an instant snapshot of everything we supposedly are. People see what that shirt you’re wearing one day says and they think they now know everything about you. You’re sense of humor, your political views, what’s important to you. But there’s more to you than a one liner on a t-shirt. We’re all a little bit different every day, and every day we have the power to DEFINE ourselves.
In fact, the word ‘dream’ and ‘junky’ have multiple meanings depending on context and who you ask. For me, the term DreamJunky describes those of us who cannot be caged by the reality created by others; those of us who have an understanding and vision of our own world that leads us to DEFY the status quo, and, if we have to, DEFECT to stand by our beliefs. With that in mind, a lot of our products have excerpts or phrases inspired by lyrics, poetry and other writings and even visual media that are ambiguous in the context they are presented. They are left open for you, the user, to define depending on your perspective and personal reality.
How many meanings can a handful of words have?
Let’s find out together by embracing our individuality.